Friday, March 15, 2019

Design Lab: Mini showcase

Design lab classes with Andreas has come to an end of a fun module. We had a mini exhibition of all the works we've done in the past 2 months.

Week 1 - Urban field works: How many people in Singapore can use chopsticks correctly?
Week 2 - When design can be programmed: Coding data into motion graphics
Week 3 - How machines sense the world?:  A mini game with time bombs at different stages designed to induce anxiety
Week 4 - Light up a LED without using hands: 2 experiments - 1. ‘Roll the ball’ button. 2. Gravity button
Some of my classmates set-ups and works:

Chatting with lecturers and guests

The projects done in Design Lab were a lot of fun. We were introduced to techniques and methods such as laser cutting, coding, electronics. Some of the processes are challenging and can be a struggle, as they’re quite new to most of us.

From the trials and errors, I’ve learnt to come up with different solutions. It’s been a while since I experimented with new materials and software. The project that I enjoyed the most was ‘How machines sense the world’, Dana, Shirley and I teamed up to modify a p5.js demo. We created a mini game with different levels and conducted peer user testing. We invited diploma students and our classmates to try out the game and document their reactions. It was a great way to learn and connect with everyone.

The most important takeaway from this module was learning how to be more flexible with my design approaches. It has been a valuable learning process, we had many ideas of execution and it’s not always about fine-turning the final product. It will be interesting to see how we can take our research proposals to the next level with all the skills we've learnt in this module.

Photos by Shui Heng & Shirley.

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