Previously my multi-purpose blanket tutorial was considered too challenging so this time I made sure that this new DIY tutorial is achievable and suitable for beginners.
I started brainstorming for ideas while keeping the following requirements in mind:
- Product can be hand-sewn or machine sewn so beginners can try too
- Consider using materials that be repurposed from home items so people don't have source for materials

Materials required:
Old cotton shirt
Old towel or pet's fur as batting
Rubber bands (4 to 5)
Safety pin
Needle and thread
DIY challenge level: 1/5
This eye mask can be completed without a sewing machine
Patterns and step-by-step instructions can be found here
I have shared this tutorial with all the participants that have played the Are You Indistractable card game as well as the 8 participants who are at the Enaction stage now.
I will touch base with all of them again in end March to see if anyone has taken initiative to try this tutorial and make their own sleeping eye mask.
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