Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Brainstorming for GetActive 2019 Screen Time Questionnaire

I proposed to run a screen-time questionnaire during GetActive 2019 event to understand more about users' screen time habits before analysing the data and proceed to action planning stage - coming up with interventions for testing.

Here are my initial intention and questions I wanted to run, which I think was quite a bad direction as it was just an expansion of my probe kit. I came up with plenty of questions and had a discussion with Melvin, Engagement and Outreach team. He prompted me to think more, if I wanted to validate my hypothesis or if I already deduced the hypothesis is right, do people need or want help in easing their excessive screen-time? I was allowed 6 questions and they will be combined with another questionnaire.

I ended up realising that I didn't want to focus too much on validating my hypothesis (as its been already done in my previous two research methods). At first, I was thinking about creating a digital diet programme (to gauge public interest) but after a while I thought I should keep the questionnaire more open to gauge other intervention possibilities, as what if the survey turns out that everyone is not interested in a digital diet programme then what else can I do?

A. Measure the level of screen-time dependency (identify different age groups and amount of usage) *recreational screen time 
B. Gauge society’s level of awareness (do they know the screen time dependency is getting higher? Global digital 2019 reports by hoot suite & we are social)
C. Gauge openness to change
D. Determine pain-points and tension (what causes them to depend heavily on screens) 
Intent: Intervention: Digital declutter challenge

From the data,
We should be able to identify the different groups of users (Are they highly reliant? Are they willing to take action?) and see who we want to select for digital declutter challenge.

How do we analyse the data to see which group participants belong to?

A. Measure the level of screen-time dependency (identify different age groups and amount of usage)
- Gender, age
- How many mobile devices (phones and tablets) do you own?
- How frequently do you check your phone?
- How likely are you to use your phone somewhere you shouldn’t? (At the cinema, lesson/meeting, driving, etc)
- How likely are you to use screens just before bed?
- Where is your phone when you go sleep?
- How would you rate your attention span?
- How often do you media multi-task? (use more than one device at once, eg scroll through instagram while watching tv)
- How likely are you to check your work emails during the weekend/while on holiday?
- How many hours a day do you think you spend on screens?
- When the wifi/battery goes down, you feel: 
- Have you ever experience sleep deprivation because of mobile applications?
- Have you tried to control your internet or mobile usage?
- Can you live without your mobile devices for 48 hours?
- Will you be able to survive a dumb phone (calls and texts only) 
- What motivates you to use your devices and applications? Eg, work, latest news update, boredom, convenience, entertainment, etc
- How would you compare your memory performance to 5 years ago?
- Despite the benefits mobile devices have brought us, do you think mobile devices may have caused negative effects on our brains?
- In your opinion, what do you think is an appropriate time spent on mobile devices and internet each day? 

Are you looking to improve your screen-time habits? 
Join us and take on our Active Health Digital Diet Challenge. Through this programme, you will undergo interactive workshops and learn to develop healthy habits around screen-time in order to improve memory performance, better concentration and establish stronger relationships with family and friends. Programme is complimentary and encourages participants to achieve healthy digital/life balance. 
Please fill in the following so we can share more programme details with you. 

Contact Number:
Email address:

In the end, I changed my objectives for the questionnaire, I kept in mind that I was allowed 6 questions: 

  • Yes I still wanted to further validate my probe kit findings with a broader study with many people but I'll keep it minimal
  • I also want to understand more about users recreational screen-time behaviours, patterns and causes. My previous research methods were more on overall screen-time usage. I'm zooming into recreational screen time now. 
  • I wanted more data to support my intervention testing - I didn't want to jump into 'should I run a digital diet challenge? Should I do a short film? What if people want neither of them? What if they prefer something else? 
  • There are a lot of areas where interventions can happen for minimising screen time but I wanted to identify which direction to focus and look into 
  • To better understand their motivations in order to affect change more effectively - so interventions may be more impactful
  • Target audience: 15-40 years old. 

Here are the final questions to run at the event:

  • How long do you spend on screens such a handphones, laptops, portable devices, etc in a typical day?
  • How frequent do you check your mobile phone each day?
  • Select top 3 occasions when you typically use your mobile phone / portable digital devices during recreational time.
  • Through which of the following formats do you prefer to learn about achieving a healthy balance for screen time? (Select all that apply)
  • Which of the following activities would you prefer doing instead of using digital devices and watching TV?
  • Generally, what would motivate you to take on / confront a difficult challenge? Select top 3. 

I'm very thankful for Melvin who helped me with my thought process for framing the questionnaire. On a side note, I really liked how SportSG offers hammocks for naps to recharge and wellness areas for activities such as dance /fitness workouts and table tennis. They also organise fitness classes during certain time intervals (before/after lunch, etc) and all SportSG (ActiveSG, Active Health, etc) staff are welcome to join.

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