Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Dis/Connect StoryFest 2019

The Arts House presented StoryFest 2019 for the 3rd year and this time they included a Dis/Connect: Digital Detox section. I visited with Jason over the weekend and we spent time to make scrapbooks, read and do origami.

As seen on their site:
It is a special space programmed as an antidote to the high dependency we have in staying connected via digital modes, rather than humane modes. These programmes are highly interactive and encourage conversation, the sharing of spoken stories and creation of visual stories. In an era of distractions and devices as well as tremendous dependency on screen-time, we hope to disrupt this habit by creating an exciting, inviting and non-threatening environment. This space aims to foster verbal communication, eye contact, listening skills and self-expression. The four programmes have been carefully curated to complement each other.

The four programmes are:

1. The Big Story Tent:
By Various storytellers
Come inside The Big Story Tent and listen to our storytellers enchant and delight you with fairy tales and folktales from around the world. Start a conversation with a stranger and make new friends as you share your own stories. Get creative with our puppets and props in self-guided storytelling between families. 
The tent was mostly filled with little kids so we didn't join in and we weren't allowed to take photos so these are some photos from their Instagram stories.

2. Room to Read:
By AsiaPac Books
A customised library of picture books displayed for browsing and reading aloud. A curated book display of selected books linked to the featured stories performed during the festival. ‘Room to Read’ is a special space to encourage book browsing and book reading, complementing the stories told during the Festival.

3. Origami Tales:
By Origami SG
Watch your story unfold as you explore origami techniques with our trained facilitator. A gentle introduction to parent-and-child bonding using paper craft and narratives. Make your favourite story puppets to take home as a memento of the Festival.

4. My Story, My Art:
By Daylight Creative Therapies
Tell your story through art! Guided by trained facilitators take part in a simple art making process and respond to your personal stories. Express yourself through mindful art making as your stories come alive visually.

My scrapbook for visual storytelling:


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