Thursday, March 28, 2019

Design Lab: Pilot Study 1

Broad study: Online questionnaire for Gen X, Y, Z. Target audience: 18 - 65 year old. 

Objectives of this pre-screening test (72 hours)
- Level of awareness
- Extent of reliance
- Gauge openness to change
- Determine pain-points and tension

I designed the survey in a way so that participants are not sure of my research topic, I wanted them to assume that I was trying to understand the society's usage of mobile devices as my very early studies show that once people know about my research topic, some of them tend to be conscious and may give biased responses. 

This is a 4-section survey. 

1st section: Personal details
2nd section: Understanding their usage of mobile devices 
Key questions: 
- How many mobile devices (phones and tablets) do you have?
- Do you think you can survive without your mobile devices? 
- How much time do you spend on these mobile applications on a daily basis?

To gauge their extent of reliance, participants are asked to choose 'never, almost never, sometimes, often, very often' for questions such as, 

- Running out of battery in your mobile phone scares you
- You have used your phone or stayed online longer than originally intended
- Have you ever experienced sleep deprivation because of mobile applications?
- Have you neglected the people you are with in order to use your mobile phone?
- Have you neglected the people you are with in order to use your mobile phone?Have you tried to control your internet or mobile use?

3rd sectionUnderstanding their motivation to use mobile devices, pain-points and gentle probe into their thoughts about everyday use of mobile devices

- Do you rely a lot on digital devices?
- Can you live without your mobile devices for 24 hours?
- What motivates you to use your devices and applications? Eg, work, latest news update, boredom, convenience, entertainment, etc
- Will you be able to survive with a dumb phone (calls and texts only) for 3 days?
- How would you compare your memory performance to 5 years ago?
- Despite the benefits mobile devices has brought us, do you think mobile devices may have caused negative effects on our brains? 
- In your opinion, what do you think is an appropriate time spent on mobile phones and internet each day?

4th section: This is where I reveal and share the studies about Digital Dementia and showing them the scientific effects. This section to gauge their level of awareness and openness to change

- Have you heard of the term, digital dementia prior to this?
- With the scientific proof of digital dementia, will you try to balance your screen time and be more mindful in your digital usage?
- Will you be concerned if there is a decline in intelligence among the population?
- Would you consider allocating some time for digital detox? Please indicate yes or no. If yes, how many hours per week? 

Here are the findings:

63% feel that 3-5 hours is an appropriate time spent on mobile devices and internet each day however a study by Straits Times in 2017 reveals that adults in Singapore spend over 12 hours on gadgets daily, with mobile devices accounting for 7 hours usage and a study by NTU and DQ Institute showed that 12 year-old children are spending 6.5 hours daily on electronic devices. 

From this broad study, 4 groups of users are identified.

Group 1: Highly reliant and willing to change 58%
Group 2: Non-reliant, mindful and willing to maintain 23%
Group 3: Highly reliant and unwilling to change 17%
Group 4: Unclear and conflicting results - Analysis shows that they are highly reliant but they identified themselves as non-reliant and is unwilling to maintain/change. 2%

From this, I will modify the data, work on the 2nd probe kit design and send them out to selected participants from group 1, 2 & 3. 

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