1. Music composition with the sound of morning raindrops beneath
2. Music composition with the sound of water streams beneath (Chosen)

Images: Pixabay 2016, Guillaume Meurice 2019, Julie Aagaard 2018, Tim Mossholder 2018
The composition is designed in a way to go hand in hand with the pulsing light and the speed, so as to enhance the ambience and experience. It is meant to calm a person and put him/her in a relaxed state.

Image by Tim Mossholder 2018
Here is Ye Min's short write-up on his composition process:
The main approach to composing this music is to create something musical that can go with the speed of the pulsing light and then underlaying it with soothing sound.
The software I used is Logic Pro X and I used Omnisphere, a virtual synthesiser to create 4 layers of musical drones from low frequency to high frequency. This is because i don't want my music to lack in any frequency range, resulting it being too bassy, or too trebly etc.
Next, I need to make sure my music follows the speed of the pulsing light. I figured out that 33 beats per minute in 5/4 time signature is the closest I can get to the speed and so that becomes the setting of this project.
Then I started to compose and link up a couple of chord progressions in 5/4 time signature. The main idea for my sequence is to go gradually louder as the light gets brighter, and then gradually softer when the light starts to dim.
So the last step is to underlay soothing sounds beneath the music. After a thorough search through my sound library, I came across two sounds that are suitable. One is the sound of morning raindrops and the other is the sound of a water stream in a forest. Both sounds are recorded in Indonesia. I clean up on these sound recordings and edited out unwanted noises. Lastly I balance the different volumes accordingly.
- Ye Min, Dirty Blonde Productions
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